
The College’s complete Child Protection Policy is available at the school administration.  Parents and students may have access to this policy at any time.  You may also make an appointment to discuss the policy with the Head of College if you wish to clarify any matters.

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment is on-going and regular, with Parent/Teacher interviews planned at various stages of the year. (See school calendar). Formal written reports will be issued at the end of each Semester and will provide a summary of the progress of the student. Informal reporting will occur throughout the year through comments and suggestions on assignments, projects or homework. Parents are encouraged to communicate with class teachers if there are concerns or problems. Communication between parents and teachers can be greatly enhanced by the use of email.

Homework and Assignments

All students will be expected to review all material covered during the school day and to complete tasks which may be assigned by the teacher. Set homework assignments will not be excessive for written and learning activities and will generally be as follows:

Prep No homework
Years 1-4 Up to an hour per week
Years 5-6 Up to 2 hours per week
Year 7 Up to 3-4 hours per week
Years 8-9 Up to 5 hours per week
Years 10-12 Will vary per subject

All Primary children are expected to learn memory verses, review tables and spelling and read aloud to parents. Homework should not be an imposition, and if you have concerns, please contact your class/subject teacher. Failure to adequately complete homework tasks by children in Years 7 to 12 will adversely affect their final results. Parents will be contacted in the event of continued failure by their children to complete homework tasks. Parents are expected to monitor homework by regularly viewing and signing your child’s Student Diary.

Tutorial Service
Teachers of secondary students offer tutorials in some subjects during lunch breaks and also after school hours, by arrangement.

Detentions and Suspensions

  • The College will encourage students to respect the behaviour code.
  • Students who disrupt classes, breach school rules and/or display disrespectful behaviour will be dealt with according to the behaviour management policy.
  • Students will be transitioned through progressive levels of consequences if wrong behaviours continue, which may include detention, suspension, or in the case of incidents involving serious breaches of behaviour may require immediate removal of students by parents or guardians.
  • Any process involving suspension or exclusion will involve interaction with parents.
  • In the event of exclusion from Mueller College, parents will forfeit their holding deposit.
  • The Head of College is the final arbiter on matters of behaviour management.


  • It is our desire that regular communication between the College and home is considered to be of great importance.
  • To accomplish this, weekly newsletters will be sent home.
  • Parents are encouraged to contact the school for any information or general communication.
  • The Principals may not always be available, so please telephone to make appointments.
  • Teachers are only available for calls during non-teaching periods. Appointments must be made for interviews through the Office. Please remember teachers are better contacted during lunch hours or immediately after school.  The use of email for communication is encouraged.
  • Student absences must be explained by a note from parent/guardian.
  • Please advise the College of change of address and/or personal details. This information is important, so parents can be contacted in the event of an accident, etc.

Complaints Handling Policy

Mueller College welcomes suggestions and comments from parents and takes seriously complaints and concerns that may be raised. The College will endeavour to ensure that concerns are dealt with speedily and those who have raised them are kept informed about progress. If a parent has a grievance concerning a student matter or the child’s teacher, in the first instance, please discuss the issue with the teacher. If the problem is not resolved then please contact the relevant Head of Sub School; failing that, contact the Head of College. Please see Complaints Handling Policy below:
Complaints Handling Policy

Absence from School

Mueller College is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for the students to facilitate their educational needs. Mueller College recognises that every day of attendance in school contributes towards a student’s learning and that maximising school attendance enhances academic outcomes. We aim to provide a supportive and optimal learning environment which promotes high expectations of student attendance.

Absence/Early/Late Reporting Procedure
Absenteeism and Attendance Policy

Late Slips and Early Departures

  • ALL students must report to Student Services N Block, where the roll will be amended. A late slip will be provided and is to be given to the class teacher. If a student is being taken home early, parents should sign the student out at Student Services N Block.

Student Health and Medications

Sick Students

If students are sick it is advisable to keep them at home. Parents will be contacted by the school to collect students who exhibit signs of illness during the day.

First Aid

First Aid may be provided at school. In the cases of serious injury or illness parents will be requested to take students to a doctor or to hospital by ambulance if necessary.  Where there is an emergency, the school will arrange for an ambulance to attend the scene, and if necessary the ambulance will take the student to hospital.

Infectious Diseases

Please be considerate of your child’s friends and teachers. These illnesses spread quickly and easily through whole classes and families. Parents should ensure their children are appropriately vaccinated. This table should be read in conjunction with the ‘time out’ poster published by Qld Health (http://www.health.qld.gov.au/ph/documents/cdb/timeout_poster.pdf)

Illness Exclusion Period
Measles Exclude for four days after the onset of the rash
German Measles (Rubella) Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash
Chicken Pox Exclude until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least five days after the rash first appeared in nonimmunised children, and less in immunised children.
Mumps At least 9 days after onset of swelling
Diarrhoea At least 24 hours without symptoms
Vomiting At least 24 hours without symptoms
Glandular Fever Exclusion not necessary
School Sores (Impetigo) Exclude case until has received appropriate antibiotics for at least 24 hours. Sores are not contagious if covered, or after the child has taken antibiotics for 24 hours. Weeping or crusted sores on exposed areas should always be covered with a watertight dressing until at least 24 hours post antibiotics commenced and for as long as practical.
Whooping Cough (pertussis) Exclude until five days after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment, or for 21 days from onset of coughing.

School Visitors

For security and Workplace Health and Safety reasons, all visitors to the school must first report to the main College Reception.  After permission is obtained a register detailing the name and reason for the visit must be signed.  A visitor badge will be issued and returned to the Office before leaving the school.

Student Friendships

Students are encouraged to make friends and be friendly to others.  However, we have a “hands-off”, “lips-off” policy which precludes outward displays of affection between students while in attendance at school or travelling to and from school.

Bullying Prevention

By definition bullying is repeated oppression, psychological or physical, of a less powerful person or group by a more powerful person or group of persons. It may be manifested in many ways e.g. harassment (verbal, sexual or psychological), victimisation, alienation, coercion, intimidation, exclusion, ostracism, discrimination. Bullying results in hurt, fear, loss of self-esteem and decreased social effectiveness for the victim.

In any form, bullying is not acceptable behaviour  within Mueller College because it is entirely contrary to the ideals of the school. In accordance with the school’s Mission statement, Mueller College seeks to eradicate bullying by developing in the classroom and publicly in assemblies:

  • Student respect and concern for others, of all races and creeds;
  • Student responsibility for their own behaviour;
  • Critical and effective thining and problem solving skills in students;
  • Life skills related to healthy life styles; and
  • An environment that nurtures and promotes student self-esteem and self confidence.

The following steps are a guide to dealing with reports of bullying.

  1. The staff member who has been approached will act immediately to ensure student safety. It is never acceptable to turn a blind eye to bullying.
  2. A clear account of the incident should be recorded and given to the Head of College or delegate.
  3. The Head of College or delegate will then work through the school’s Bullying Prevention Policy.

Students who have been bullied will be supported by:

  • offering an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a member of staff of their choice;
  • reassuring the student;
  • offering continuous support; and
  • providing encouragement to form and maintain friendships with non-bullying students.

Students who have bullied will be helped by:

  • discussing what happened;
  • discovering why the student became involved;
  • establishing the wrong doing and the need to change; and
  • enlisting the support of parents/caregivers to help change the behaviour and attitude of the student, where appropriate.

Lost and Found

When property goes astray, or something is found that belongs to someone else , please check the lost property boxes, either:

  • Near the Primary toilets (A Block courtyard), or
  • The box outside D25 (Secondary).

Audio / Visual Devices

Portable CD Players, Ipods, Cameras, Music or PDA devices
These items are not permitted and will be confiscated and returned at a later date.

Mobile Phones and Smartwatches


  1. All student mobile phones must be handed in to Student Services N Block (secondary) or Primary Admin (A16) at start of school day and collected at the end of the day.
  2. The school accepts no responsibility for replacing lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.
  3. The school accepts no responsibility for students who lose or have their mobile phones stolen while travelling to and from school.
  4. Phones should be clearly marked with the name of the owner

Unacceptable Use

  1. It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use mobile phones to menace, harass or offend another person.  Students who use their phones to engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person using SMS messages, taking or sending photos or objectionable images or bullying other students, or who use vulgar, derogatory or obscene language while using a mobile phone will have their phones confiscated for a period decided by the Head of College. Students should note that, in extreme cases, the school may consider it appropriate to involve the police.
  2. Students found in possession of a mobile phone during school hours will face disciplinary action and confiscation of the phone.
  3. Students should not phone parents or guardians requesting to go home or be picked up from school.  Such requests should be made through staff at Student Services N Block.

A copy of our Mobile Phone and Smartwatch Policy is available below:
Student Mobile Phone and Smartwatch Policy

Social Networking Policy

It is a condition of enrolment or continued enrolment at Mueller College that students adhere to the following boundaries in regard to computer use of social networking sites and electronic media:- Students must demonstrate respect to others and their school.

Students must not make any comment on social networking sites (whether the profile or user-generated content is identifiably theirs or belonging to someone else) or any other digital media including email that targets any Mueller College student or staff person with perceived negative intent, or undermines the name and/or good work of the school.

Current social networking sites and digital media forms would include, but not be limited to:-
Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Youtube, Twitter, email, MSN, text messaging, all mobile content – all texting and mobile transmission of photos, as well as mobile platforms of social networking sites.

Money and Valuables

Students must not bring large sums of money or other items of value to school. If, however, it is necessary, any money or valuable item(s) should be left in safekeeping with Student Services N Block or at the main office Reception. They can be collected at the end of the school day. The school accepts no responsibility for loss of money and/or valuables or damage to same.

Positive Culture Framework

Positive Culture Framework

Privacy Policy

A copy of our Privacy Policy is available below:
Privacy Policy

Health and Safety

It is the objective of Mueller College to provide a safe, healthy working environment for all persons involved in its operations. To this end the Directors of the College will:

  • acquire and keep an up-to-date knowledge of health and safety matters
  • gain an understanding of hazards and risks associated with the College operations
  • ensure compliance with the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act, Regulation and relevant Codes of Practice
  • ensure all staff recognize their responsibilities for health and safety at the workplace
  • ensure processes for complying with duties are implemented, such as reporting, consultation arrangements, training and instruction, the rehabilitation of injured employees
  • ensure consultation with workers on ways to reduce workplace hazards and improve control systems
  • ensure consultation with other duty holders such as contractors on health & safety issues
  • ensure maintenance of effective incident analysis, hazard reporting systems and risk management
  • ensure appropriate resources are available to eliminate or minimise risks from work tasks
  • ensure the continual review and adequacy of the health and safety program

All other persons (‘workers’) are required to:

  • take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
  • take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and
  • comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction given to comply with the Act; and
  • co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.

School Crossing Safety

School Crossing Supervisors are employed by the Transport Department. The supervisors for Mueller College work the crossing in the mornings from 7:45am to 8:45am and in the afternoons from 3:00pm to 3:30pm. All students and parents crossing Morris Road are asked to use the crossing at these times.

When the Supervisor has placed the “Children Crossing” signs, pedestrians are to wait behind the yellow line until the Supervisor is in place in the middle of the road with the STOP sign and blows the whistle. When the whistle blows pedestrians are to cross between the red and white poles. When the signs are taken down the Supervisor can no longer allow pedestrians to cross under his/her supervision.

Motorists parking or setting down or picking up passengers PLEASE DO NOT USE the “No Standing” zones. Bus zones must be kept clear at all times.

The Morris Road speed limit is 40 kph at all times.

Sun Safety Policy

The College is a Sun Smart Accredited School.  All students are required to wear suitable sun protective hats (as per section on School Uniforms) and sunscreen for all outdoor activities for all seasons, including winter.  Sunscreen is provided by the College and kept in classrooms, sports kits and buses.

Where possible, events are organised outside peak UV radiation periods.  Swimming carnivals are held either in the evening or in covered venues.  Sun protection issues are included in the health curricula.


Supervision of students at school includes before school, recess and lunch breaks, and after school. However, parents are reminded that staff members are not rostered for duty until 8:00am each morning.  Parents are discouraged from sending their children to school before this time. Staff members are also rostered to undertake supervision until 3:30pm each day.  Parents are requested to ensure that their children have been collected or have left the school grounds by this time.  Parents wishing their children to be at school outside the hours of teacher supervision provided may avail themselves of the fee-for-service arrangement of after- or before-school care provided by OSHC staff (Outside School Hours Care).

Child Protection at Mueller College

Child Protection Policy


Mueller College is committed to the provision of educationally valid excursions as part of the school curriculum. Excursions will be prepared, managed, supervised and monitored in a way that seeks to ensure the health, safety and security of the participating students and staff, as well as others who may be affected by the conduct of an excursion.

Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Information Pack Request
