Year 12 Outcomes Report 2010

Mueller College commends the Year 12 cohort of 2010 on their good OP results.

Congratulations to students and all staff who supported and encouraged you throughout your study

to achieve these outcomes.

OP Eligible Mueller College 

Year 12 Cohort %

State %
1 – 10 48 46.02
1 – 15 76.9 74.88


OP Eligible OP Ineligible
52 27
Visa 7 0
59 27 Total: 86
Students who received OP 1-10 2010 42.37%


Total number of Year 12 students (without visa students) 79
Number of students that obtained QCE 67
OP eligible students (without visa students) 52
Number of Year 12 students that received VET qualifications 39


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