Why Choose Mueller College?


location-mapMueller College prides itself on being a school which is grounded in Christian values with a modern, progressive outlook.  It is the sort of school you know of from your own schooling, providing a solid foundation in not only the academic pillars of Literacy and Numeracy, but a commitment to grow men and women of character.

All the hallmarks of a rigorous education are evident as you walk around campus.  Students are engaged in classrooms which are orderly and structured.   Teachers use a variety of lesson techniques to bring the curriculum to life and make learning a priority.

Mueller College is a Christian school.  This is obvious through our curriculum, teaching, pastoral care and the way students and teachers interact.  All of our staff are committed Christians, passionate about seeing young people grow in knowledge and character.

Please have a look around our website and don’t hesitate to contact us if you require further information.


But these things are different:

Pastoral Care

pastoral-care-4The care of your child at Mueller College is not a marketing ploy. We genuinely care for each and every family as they become part of the Mueller Community.
The administrative structure is specifically designed to ensure that every child is known by not only their form teacher, but also the Chaplains, Registered Nurse and the Head of Sub-School.
Mueller College is large enough to have a comprehensive network of support, yet with enrolment of around just 100 students in each year level, small enough so that students feel part of the Mueller Community. Students are more than a number, they are each known to teachers around campus.

To find out more about the Pastoral Care at Mueller CLICK HERE.


Social Justice

social-justice-1Mueller College students are passionate about supporting others in need. This is seen through a Social Justice program in Year 10, the Chapel program and culture of giving around campus.
Students at Mueller College openly serve others both on and off campus. This service can be seen in students volunteering at breakfast club, running the Primary School Jaffa Club, helping a child to the Health Room and a variety of other activities. Off campus students are involved in Mission Trips into the Australian Outback, Vanuatu, Thailand and China.

Each year Mueller student raise many thousands of dollars in support of aid organisations. Last year students raised $25000 across both Primary and Secondary. This encourages students to think beyond themselves and become caring, responsible citizens.


Distinctive academic programs

A true distinctive of the Mueller academic program is the comprehensive academic tracking that occurs. In the Primary School, every student is tracked to ensure that the academic program is suited to both their strengths and weaknesses. This occurs through DRA testing and the Data Wall. In order to find out more, please book a tour with our Head of Primary and ask more about the Data Wall.

Literacy and Numeracy Coaches

A real distinctive about Mueller College is our Literacy and Numeracy Coaches. We have Coaches who work in both the Primary and Middle School in order to ensure that Literacy and Numeracy are at the forefront of education.

The Coaches perform 2 main roles. The first is to support teachers in the planning and delivery of the Literacy and Numeracy programs. The second role is to support students who are at both ends of the academic spectrum, to either support or extend. The Coaches are full time teachers with extensive release time to give targeted support.


Click on the image below to see an aerial view of our facilities.







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